When making a film it is always important not to make mistakes that could bother the viewer. However, there are times when they are committed because of ignorance or because the script and the scene require it. And of course the movie 2012 was not going to be an exception.
One of these errors that requires the script to make the scene more dramatic is when the aircraft carrier JFK CV-67 collides with the White House being dragged by a wave from the west. However this would be impossible since the Atlantic Ocean is in the east. In addition, it should be noted that although the wave had come from the east, that carrier could never crash since it was removed in 2005 and is located in Philadelphia.
The next error consists in using an erroneous terminology about neutrinos and their false interaction with normal matter. This is wrong for two reasons: the first is why the astrophysicists of the film use the term mutar which is impossible because the word mutar refers to genetic changes, and the second is why the neutrinos interact with normal matter they do not leave any effect on this.
When the protagonists attempt to flee the eruption of Yellowstone there is a scene that the pyroclastic flow chases the plane while it starts the takeoff successfully. This would be impossible due to the high temperatures of the flow and taking into account also the flying rocks which would impact at high speed against the plane. In addition, another error related to the Yellowstone eruption is about the ash cloud. In theory, as they say in the movie, it would first arrive in Las Vegas, then St. Louis, Chicago, and so on. However, the protagonists land in Las Vegas and we learn that a helicopter falls into the aforementioned ash cloud in Pittsburgh, which would have to arrive much earlier to Las Vegas than to Pittsburgh. Another fact that does not make sense is that Jackson and his children spend a weekend 1000 miles away from their home to camp in the Yellowstone National Park and therefore could not return home in as few hours as in the movie.
When Ark 4 begins the disembarkation, Air Force One is still complete before colliding with the Ark. This would not be possible since the air pressure wave and the tsunami would have destroyed it in such a way that only debris from the plane would remain.
Other erroneous scenes that the film shows are about the tidal waves sweeping people, objects, etc. These things would go through the air long before the arrival of the tidal waves by the wave of pressure they generate. In addition, the tidal waves appear with crystalline or frothy water after dragging so many sediments from the bottom of the sea, buildings, monuments, etc. This is incorrect since the water looks like mud and is totally opaque.

And the last mistake that I mention is about the wrong coat of arms of the German chancellor. The current coat of arms is not oval like the one that appears in the film and has a hexagonal shape.
I think I've put the most important and relevant errors in the movie. In my opinion there are enough that could be avoided, although some appear as errors to dramatize important scenes. It is true that there are several geographical errors and especially those that respect airplanes, takeoffs and landings that are a bit implausible and in reality would have another result.
I hope you liked it and thank you for your attention.

Another scientific error in the film is about the sense of inertia of the cars that fall from the back of the plane. In theory, they would have to carry the momentum in the same direction as the plane. However, in the film they have the opposite effect and the cars are driven in the wrong direction.

error occurs when Helmsley is informed that the continental shift has moved
everything to 23 degrees towards the Southwest. Therefore, China would have
moved more than 1000 miles in that direction and giving the protagonists
greater flight distance, while in the film that distance is reduced.
The next
mistake is about Schwarzenegger's mandate. In theory its second mandate would
end in January of 2011 although in 2012 according to the film it continues
governing. The error is that the constitution of the state prevents there being
a third mandate after having served in two previous mandates to the state.

And the last mistake that I mention is about the wrong coat of arms of the German chancellor. The current coat of arms is not oval like the one that appears in the film and has a hexagonal shape.
I think I've put the most important and relevant errors in the movie. In my opinion there are enough that could be avoided, although some appear as errors to dramatize important scenes. It is true that there are several geographical errors and especially those that respect airplanes, takeoffs and landings that are a bit implausible and in reality would have another result.
I hope you liked it and thank you for your attention.
I enjoyed reading that. Well done!